Institute for Literature Day

On November 21st, in the Great Hall of the Institute for Literature the Institute for Literature Day was held. Official guests were Mrs. Margarita Popova, Vice President of the Republic of Bulgaria, His Excellency, Mr. Leszek Hensel, Ambassador of Poland in Bulgaria, Corr.member Nikolai Miloshev, Vice-President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Corr.member Svetlana Kuyumdzhieva, Advisor to the Chairman of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Corr.member Dimitar Dimitrov, Adviser to the Chairman of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, directors of humanitarian institutes, heads and representatives of various humanitarian and cultural institutions, as well as representatives of many universities in Bulgaria.

A short film presented the work of the Institute for Literature scientists on different projects - national and international - in Old Bulgarian Literature studies, Bulgarian National Revival studies, the new and modern Bulgarian literature studies , literary theory studies, comparative literary studies, source studies. The film also presented the work of the only publishing center in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences system - "Boyan Penev".

Honorary sign of the Institute for Literature was awarded to Mrs Margarita Popova, Vice President of the Republic of Bulgaria for her support to Bulgarian Humanity Studies as also to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Mrs. Popova became patron of the academic celebrations and conferences, organized by the Institute for Literature: on the occasion of 250th Anniversary of "Istoria Slavenobolgarska” by Paisii Hilendarski, the 150th Anniversary of Prof. Ivan Shishmanov’s Birth, the 200th Anniversary of Sv.Sofroniy Vratchanky Assumption, the 135th Anniversary of Acad. Mikhail Arnaoudov’s Birth.

"The Honorary Institute for Literature sign will be awarded also to Acad. Stefan Vodenitcharov who managed to return the status of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as a socially significant and respected institution, and to us, its employees, to regain the sense of security and social prestige that painfully missed us", said Assos. Prof. Traykova , director of the Institute for Literature. Appreciation was voiced also for the support, provided by Corr.member Nikolai Miloshev, Corr.member Svetlana Kuyumzhdieva, Corr. member Dimitar Dimitrov, Assos.Prof. Dr. Joanna Spasova, Scientific Secretary of "Humanities and Social Sciences" Department at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, as also to the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, His Excellency Mr. Leszek Hensel for the fruitful and long-term cooperation along Bulgarian-Polish projects.

On November 21st, in the lobby of the Institute for Literature opened two exhibitions, devoted to the Institute for Literature Day. One, titled "Bulgarian Revival Encyclopedia” stops in six panels on some interesting moments from the Bulgarian Revival period. Another exhibition presents authentic manuscripts and documents from the archives of Nikola Vaptsarov and Hristo Smirnenski.