Research Fellow
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Stanimir Panayotov is research fellow at the Department of Literary Theory, Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Previously, he was Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Cultural Studies (Tyumen, 2021-2023), a postdoctoral fellow at Center for Advanced Study in Sofia (Bulgaria, 2020-2021), and has taught various courses in humanities in Budapest, Jerusalem, Skopje, and Sofia. He has defended his PhD in Comparative Gender Studies at the Central European University (Hungary, 2020) titled The Problem of Disembodiment: An Approach from Continental Feminist–Realist Philosophy, under the supervision of Eszter Timár and István Perczel; earned his MA in Philosophy and Gender Studies from Euro–Balkan Institute (North Macedonia, 2011), where he studied with Katerina Kolozova and Miglena Nikolchina; and graduated his BA in Philosophy from Sofia University (Bulgaria, 2004), defending a senior project under the supervision of Emilia Mineva.
Panayotov specializes in continental philosophy, focusing on feminist, late antique, and non–philosophy, as well as new/speculative realism, and intermittently writes about contemporary art practices and experimental music. He has held various fellowships at Utrecht University (Netherlands, 2018); Kingston University, London (UK, 2017); American Research Center in Sofia (Bulgaria, 2016/17); Linköping University (Sweden, 2016); Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Skopje (North Macedonia, 2015); Institute of Philosophy, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Slovenia, 2013); and has lectured internationally at various institutions and festivals. His work has been translated into English, Croatian, German, Macedonian, Polish, Serbian, Slovenian, and Spanish.
Since 2017, he is co–founder and editorial board member of Oraxiom: A Journal of Non–Philosophy. Panayotov was also co–director and co–organizer of Sofia Queer Forum (Sofia, 2012–2022), as well as Summer School for Sexualities, Cultures, and Politics (Skopje/Belgrade, 2012–2017), and was the editorial manager of Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture (2017–2021).
Most recently, he is a co–editor of Soul, Body, and Gender in Late Antiquity: Essays on Embodiment and Disembodiment (Routledge, 2024) and Black Metal Rainbows (PM Press, 2023), and the editor of O–Zone: An Ecology of Objects (Punctum Books, forthcoming 2024), as well as Zlatomir Zlatanov’s Limitrophies: Verses and Poems and No One Knows Why: Collected Plays (Black Flamingo Publishing, resp. 2023 and 2021, in Bulgarian). Panayotov is also a poet, having published two books so far (in Bulgarian): God vs F31 (Ars/Scribens, 2013; second edition: Black Flamingo Publishing, 2021), and Axiom and Grief (Metheor, 2020). He is also a translator, focusing on publishing into English the work of Bulgarian writer and thinker Zlatomir Zlatanov, and has translated into Bulgarian books and texts by authors such as Wendy Brown, Judith Butler, David M. Halperin, McKenzie Wark, to name a few. He also collaborates with performers, directors, and musicians throughout the years on various artistic projects.