Regina Koycheva develops the interdisciplinary field between Paleoslavism and the theory of literature. Her main field of research is the original Old Bulgarian chants from the 9th and the beginning of the 10th century, on which she has a number of researches with theoretical, literary-historical and linguistic profile. Together with Prof. Anissava Miltenova she is the compiler and editor of the collection Death and Burial in the Judeo-Christian Tradition (Studia Mediaevalia Slavica et Byzantina, Vol. 1). She graduated with a degree in Bulgarian Philology at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ”. Her doctoral dissertation on Irmos and Verbal Structures in the Triode Canons of Konstantin Preslavski with supervisor Prof. Georgi Popov was defended in 2005.
Selected publications in English and French:
- Sound and Sense in the Hymnographic Text (On a Troparion from the Acrostic Triodion Canon Cycle by Constantine of Preslav). – Scripta & e-Scripta, Vol. 1, 2003, Sofia, p. 147–160.
- Reminding and Remembering: Two Concepts of Memory in the Ninth-century Bulgarian Hymnography of Repentance. – In: Strategies of Remembrance: From Pindar to Hölderlin, edited by Lucie Doležalová, 2009, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, ISBN (10): 1-4438-1261-7, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-1261-0, p. 201–207. http://www.cambridgescholars.com/download/sample/60538
- The Symbolic Order of Modes in the Triodion Cycles of Kanons. – In: Literary Knowledge and Open Horizons. Expectations and Prospects. IL–BAS. [Sofia]: “Boyan Penev” Publishing House, 2011, ISBN: 978-954-8712-68-2, p. 5–19.
- Traces de la langue des deux saints égaux aux Apôtres, Cyrille et Méthode, et leurs élèves (Nouveaux fragments de l’acrostiche du canon funèbre en ancien bulgare du sixième ton) [Traces of the Language of St. Cyril and St. Methodius, Equal to the Apostles (New-Found Fragments of the Acrostic of the Old Bulgarian Funeral Canon on the Sixth Tone]. – Byzantinoslavica. Revue internationale des etudes byzantines (ISSN 0007–7712), LXIX (2011), 1–2, р. 124–133.
- From Byzantium to Bulgaria and to Georgia – Modifications and Typological Similarities between Old Bulgarian and Georgian Hymnography. – "Sjani" (Annual Scholarly Journal of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature), ISSN 1512–2514, Vol. 13, May 2012, р. 146–161. http://literaturatmcodneoba.tsu.ge/sjani%2013.pdf; https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/14048722/sota-rustavelis-qartuli-literaturis-instituti-tbilisi-state-university/147
- From Things towards Mysticism in the Path of Old Bulgarian Hymnography. – In: The Thing. Conceptual and Cultural Aspects. Ed. by T. Dobrzyńska and R. Kuncheva. IBL-PAN, ИЛ-БАН. [Sofia]: Боян Пенев, 2018, p. 91–100. ISBN 978-619-7372-10-6.
- Recycling and the Byzantine-Slavonic Medieval Culture. – In: Recycling in Literature and Culture. Ed. by T. Dobrzyńska and R. Kuncheva. IBL-PAN, ИЛ-БАН. [Sofia]: Боян Пенев, 2021, ISBN 978-619-7372-36-6.
- Le cycle de poèmes « Sursum corda ! » de Stoyan Mihaylovski et son prédecesseur littéraire: la psychologie de la réécriture. – Studia Litteraria Serdicensia. Vol. 1 (Повторение, обновление – практики на римейка [“Repetition, Renewal – Practices of Remake”]), Sofia, 2021.