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ORCID IDhttps://orcid.org/0009-0008-1314-9978
Anna Alexieva is a Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Bulgarian Revival Literature at Institute for Literature at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Her research interests are in the field of Bulgarian literature of the 19th century, the literary canon, marginalized authors and texts; cultural research, the construction of "great" historical narratives and the national heroic pantheon; official, banal and subcultural nationalism. He is the winner of the BAS award for young scientists "Prof. Marin Drinov" (2013). She is also an editor for the journal Literaturna Misal (2007-2016). Anna Alexieva is a member of the board of the Bulgarian Society for the Study of the 18th Century. She is the author of the monographic study Bulgarian Literature from the 40-50s of the 19th Century. Roles of the subject ”(2012). She co-edited the following books: Culture, Identities, Doubts. Collection in Honor of Prof. Nikolay Aretov (2016), The Balkans' Past: Approaches and Visualizations (18th-19th Centuries) (2018), Delights and Prohibitions (2018), Books as Events in Europe and The Ottoman Empire (18th-19th Centuries) (2020).
Selected Publications:
- Bulgarian National Culture: Debates during the National Revival Period. “Ex-centrism”, “Ego-centrism”, Ottoman Context. // Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi. Journal of Political Science, 2018, Vol. 6, pp. 55-72. ISSN 2147-6926.
- Bulgar Milli Kahramanların Yaratılması. // Kafkasyali, M (Ed.) Balkanlarda İslâm: Miadı Dolmayan Umut. Vakti Azizden Vakti Zelalete. Volume 4. Ankara, 2016, pp. 171-202. ISBN: 978-605-9642-11-8 – Takım; ISBN: 978-605-9642-15-6 – Cilt-4.
- La poésie bachique bulgare du XIXe siècle à travers le prisme des Discours de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. // Etudes balkaniques, 2013, № 1, pp. 51-62. ISSN 0324-1645.
- Le modèle du rituel courtois dans la poésie lyrique bulgare du milieu du XIXe siècle. // Revue des études sud-est européennes, 2012, L, № 1-4, pp. 61-77. ISSN 0035-2063.
- The Traumatic Heritage: Images of the Oriental within Bulgarian Culture. // Young Minds Rethinking the Mediterranean. Ed. Mensur Akgün, Lenka Peťková. Istanbul: Istanbul Kultur University - Global Political Trends Center, 2011, pp. 29-47. ISBN 978-605-4233-66-3.