Project StatusCurrent
Execution period2013г. — 2021г.
- Project lead Assoc. Prof. Plamen Antov, D.Sc.
Study of the spatial semiosis of literature, i.e. of various aspects and levels of its connection with the "spirit of the place" (genius loci); the place as a carrier of collective experience, which the literature articulates and strengthens. Achieving more and more detailed knowledge about different aspects of the intersection and interference of literature with its spatial localization in certain "places". But also - insofar as each "place" is permeated by history - and for the specific memory that these "places" carry and which literature in various ways settles in itself and reveals. So far, two subprojects have been implemented in the project:
1. Our Americas
Research team: Senior Asst. Prof. Andrey Tashev, Senior Asst. Prof. Nikolay Kirilov, Senior Asst. Prof. Ivan Hristov; Assoc. Prof. Elka Traykova, Assoc. Prof. Penka Vatova, Assoc. Prof. Alexandra Antonova, Bogomil Popov, Lyudmila Hr. Malinova
Publications (collections in Bulgarian):
- Our Americas 1: South America and Bulgarian Literature, Bulgarian Traces in Latin America, Sofia: "Boyan Penev", 2015 - 384 pp. (ISBN 978-954-8712-95-8);
- Our Americas 2: The United States as a Metaphor of Modernity. Bulgarian-American Reflections, Sofia: "Boyan Penev", 2017 - 588 pp. (ISBN 978-619-7372-06-9);

2. Magical Realism
Research team: Asst. Prof. Rositsa Chernokozheva, Senior Asst. Prof. Nikolay Kirilov, Assoc. Prof. Vihren Chernokozhev (†)
Publications (collections in Bulgarian):
- Magical Realism, Sofia: "Boyan Penev", 2019 - 412 pages (ISBN 978-619-7372-21-2).