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ORCID ID0000-0002-0159-5347
Dr. Andriana Spasova, Assist. Prof.
ОRCID iD: 0000-0002-0159-5347
Institute for Literature – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: andriana.spassova@gmail.com
Andriana Spasova (1987) – PhD (2017), Assistant Professor (2018–2020), Chief Assistant Professor (2020) at the Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She is a postdoctoral fellow of the National Program ‘Young Scientists and Postdoctoral Students’ with her project ‘Reception and Digitalization of the Unexplored Manuscript Heritage of Nayden Gerov’ (2019–2021). ‘Ancient Reminiscences in the Revival Literature’ (2020) is her first scientific book, defended as a doctoral thesis, which won second prize in the competition for Young Scientists (2021). Her research interest is related to the tracing of the first receptions of classical antiquity and its samples in the cultural-historical situation of the Bulgarian 19th century, the problems of national identity and cultural memory, handwritten textbooks and letters of Nayden Gerov.
Selected Publications:
- Bulgarian-Greek disputes on the pages of periodicals during the 19th century (from the polemics between ‘Tsarigradski vestnik’ and ‘Bosphorus Telegraph’). // Études balkaniques, № 3, ISSN 0324-1645.
- “Apropos for the teacher” Rada Gugova-Kirkovich and the figure of Nayden Gerov // Bulgarian Language and Literature, 2021, year 63, № 2, ISSN 0323-9519, pp. 192–208.
- 200 years since the birth of Georgi Stoykov Rakovski (1821– 1867). // Bulgarica, 2021, № 42, ISSN 1311-8544, pp. 9–22.
- Bibliography by / for Nayden Gerov (1823–1900). // Library, 2021, № 4, pp. 66–82.
- Nayden Gerov’s approach to teaching Bulgarian history – recognized or forgotten. // The competence approach in teaching literature at school. Ed. Al. Panov, A. Spasova, E. Borisova. Sofia, Boyan Penev Publishing House, 2020, pp. 107–128.
- Two Unknown Stories in the Archives of Nayden Gerov. // Contemporary Linguistics, 2020, № 1, ISSN 2603-4425, pp. 44–52.
- Sts. Cyril and Methodius’ Topos in the Bulgarian School in the 19th Century. // Routes of literary communication of Eastern and Southern Slavs in the 11th–20th centuries. [collection]. Ed. by A. Miltenova, I. Kaliganov. Sofia, Boyan Penev, pp. 230–250.v
- Vasil Pundev: Comparative Readings of Bulgarian Revival Literature (The Role of Nayden Gerov in the Development of New Bulgarian Poetry). // Bulgarian literary criticism – positions and contexts [collection]. Ed. by A. Antonova, Sofia, Boyan Penev, pp. 75–101.
- The Printing Press Through the Eyes of The Revival Publicist. // Scientific works of Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv. Philology. [collection]. Plovdiv, Paisii Hilendarski, 2020, pp. 11–24.
- The figures of the philosopher and the ruler in the Bulgarian Revival textbooks of universal history (Anastas Kipilovski and Nikola Grancharov). // Dzyalo, 2019, VII, № 14
- Revival Reception of the “The Life of Aesop the Phrygian” by Jean de La Fontaine // The Long Eighteenth Century. № 1 Past in the Balkans: approaches and visuals (XVIII–XIX c.) [Monographic series], Ed. by R. Zaimova, N. Alexandrova, A. Alexieva. Sofia, 2018, ISSN 2603-4492, pp. 72–93.
- The Reception of Homer’s Iliad in the Period of the Bulgarian Revival // Motus in verbo, roč. Ed. by Martina Kubealaková, VI, 2018, č. I, pp. 14–22. ISSN 1339-0392