Nina Gagova is an Associate Professor at the Institute for Literature. Her research concerns the following areas: Bulgarian & Serbian Literatures in Byzantine Context; The Orthodox Ruler in Political Ideology, Literary Tradition & Christian Iconography; Book Production & Book Use; Hagiography; Biblical Texts & Medieval Literature; Computer processing of Medieval Manuscripts.
Selected Publications:
- (2010) Rulers and Books. The Participation of the South-Slavic Rulers in Book Production and Book Use in the Middle Ages (X-XV C.): Adoptions of the Byzantine Model. Sofia, 337 pp. (online at www.academia.edu)
- (2019) The translation of the relics of St. Nicolas from Myra to Bari in Orthodox Slavic Literary Tradition: an unknown version of the Sermon to the Fest. – Medieval Bulgarian Literature 59-60, 2019, 221-261.
- (2019) The translation of the relics of St. Nicolas from Myra to Bari: interpretations of the event in Latin, Greek, and Slavic Medieval Literatures. – In: Proceedings for the Annual Conference of Academic Circle for Comparative Literary Studies, Vol. 8, 2019. (https://calic.balkansbg.eu/conferens/bilingualism/122-prenasyaneto-na-m…)
- (2019) St. Nicolas from Myra. (https://sesdiva.eu/virtualni-stai/populiarni-sventci-avtori-proizvedeni…)
- (2019) Story about the translation of the relics of St. Nicolas from Myra to Bari. (https://sesdiva.eu/virtualni-stai/kulturen-obmen/item/103-story-transfe…)
- (2018) The Aspirations of the Bulgarian ruler Simeon (893-927) to the Byzantine Throne: Biblical Patterns and Historical Arguments. – In: Notions and Mirages. Proceedings for the Annual Conference of Academic Circle for Comparative Literary Studies, Vol. 7, 2018.
- (https://calic.balkansbg.eu/conferens/images-and-mirages/112-the-aspirat…)
- (2016) St. Simeon - the eternal ruler of the Serbs. - Slavia Meridionalis 16 (=Biblical Text in the South Slavonic Literatures from the Middle Ages to the Modern Times). (https://ispan.waw.pl/journals/index.php/sm/issue/view/80)
- (2016) The Carpet Miracle of St. Nicolas. Preliminary Remarks. - In: Vis et sapientia: Studia in honorem Anisavae Miltenova. New Sources, Interpretations and Approaches in Medieval Studies.
- (2013) St. Nicholas – Intercessor for the Human Souls on the Day of Judgment. – Medieval Bulgarian Literature 48 (Saints and Holy Places on the Balkans, vol. 2) (online at www.academia.edu)
- (2011) The Life of St. Nicholas in Boyana Church and the Hagiographical Narratives about the Saint in the South Slavic Manuscript Tradition in 13th Century. In: Boyana Church between East and West in the Art of Christian Europe. (online at www.academia.edu)
- (2009) Despot Stephan Lazarevich, the Sacred History and the Hesitations concerning the Genre by the Author of his Life. - Medieval Bulgarian Literature 41-42 (Festschrift in honor of Krassimir Stanchev and Alexander Naumov). (http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/issuedetails.aspx?issueid=c6b503a6-b944-4448-…)
- (2009) Slavic Translations from Greek in the Light of the Contacts between the Mount Athos Monasteries Vatopedi, Hilandar and Panteleymon in 14-15 C. – In: Mount Athos in the European Culture – Europe in the Culture of Mount Athos. Gniezno.
- (2008) The Destiny of the Rila Monastery in 14 C. from the point of view of its Legal Status as Rulers Foundation. – In: SLOVO: Towards a Digital Library of South Slavic Manuscripts. Proceedings of the International Conference, 21.-26.02.2008, Sofia, Bulgaria. Sofia, 2008, 177-194.