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Dorotey Getov is a professor in the Department of Old Bulgarian Literature. His research interests are in the field of Byzantine originals of translated works in Old Bulgarian literature; the history of Byzantine law; Byzantine hymnography and liturgy; Byzantine philology.
Selected Writings:
- ‘Codex Serdicensis graecus EHAI 803 – a Codex Pacurianeus?’. Byzantion, 69 (1999): 58–64.
- ‘Eine Scholiensammlung zur Synopsis Basilicorum Maior’; in: Fontes Minores XI [Forschungen zur byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte, Band 26], Frankfurt/Main, 2005: 325–413.
- ‘Florilegium Mosquense: an Edition’. Revue d’histoire des textes, n.s., I (2006): 1–36.
- ‘Fragmenta Serdicensia Lost and Found’. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 56 (2006): 245–260.
- A Catalogue of Greek Liturgical Manuscripts in the “Ivan Dujčev Center for Slavo-Byzantine Studies”, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Roma 2007 [ = Orientalia Christiana Analecta 279].
- ‘The Unedited Byzantine Liturgical Canons in the Library of Congress Microfilms of the Greek Manuscripts in St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai’. Bollettino della Badia greca di Grottaferrata, III s., 6 (2009), pp. 67–118.
- A Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts in the Scientific Archives of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia 2010.
- A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts at the Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, Volume I. Bačkovo Monastery, Turnhout-Brepols 2014, XXII + 532 pp.; Vol. II, Turnhout-Brepols 2017, XXI + 497 pp.
- ‘Unedited Troparia in a Liturgical Pandect’, in: Νέα Ῥώμη. Rivista di ricerche bizantinistiche, 10 (2013) 155–184.
- A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts in the National Library “Sts. Cyril and Methodius”, Sofia. XX+560 p., Turnhout-Brepols 2019.