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На 24-25 септември 2015 г. в Института за литература се състоя международната литературнотеоретична конференция "The Thing. Conceptual and Cultural Aspects" с участието на изследователи от Полската Академия на Науките, Словенската Академия на Науките и Изкуствата, Нов Български Университет, ИЛ-БАН.

September, 24-25 IX 2015
- 24. 09.
Institute for Literature, BAS - 10.00
Teresa Dobrzyńska (IBL, PAN)
Images of Things in Poetry. The Anthropological Aspects and the Creation of a Linguistic Picture of the World - 11.00
Regina Koycheva (IL, BAS)
From Things towards Mysticism in the Path of Old Bulgarian Hymnography - BREAK 30 min.
- 11.30
Enyo Stoyanov (IL, BAS)
Literary Criticism and Speculative Realism - DISCUSSION
- 14.30 Aleksandar Feodorov (IL, BAS)
Interpreting Things: Peirce’s Pragmatism and Semiotics - 15.00 Ivan Mladenov (IL, BAS)
The Slipping Thing about the Thing - 15.30 Reni Iankova (NBU)
The thing and the significant Self - DISCUSSION
- BREAK 30 min.
- 17.00 Andraž Jež (ISLLS)
A Major Shift in Nationalism and Its Political Implications - from Universality of 1789's France to Particularities of 1848's Habsburg Empire - 17.30
Kalina Zahova (IL, BAS)
False Friends and Varied Readings: Interlinguistic and Intercultural Homonymy - DISCUSSION
- 25. 09.
Institute for Literature, BAS - 10.00
Jerzy Kandziora (IBL, PAN)
Jerzy Ficowski’s „a reading of object” in essays about Bruno Schulz - 10.30
Raya Kuncheva (IL, BAS)
Benjamin’s Arcades Project: Commodity, Allegory, Collector - 11.00
BREAK 30 min. - 11.30
Miriana Yanakieva (IL, BAS)
Musical instrument as Object, Thing and Body - 12.30
Galina Georgieva (IL, BAS)
Вещь в кинотеории ОПОЯЗА - DISCUSSION