Form 10 to 12 of April in Ohrid (Macedonia) took place the first Bulgarian-Macedonian Scientific Seminar "European values in the works of Bulgarian and Macedonian literary artists of the twentieth century", realized within the joint project of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences. Project leaders are Assoc. Prof Dr. Alexander Yordanov from the Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Acad. Milan Gurchinov from MANU.

The seminar discussed the problems in one of the main themes of the project - " Modernism as a European value in the literary works of Bulgarian and Macedonian poets, writers and critics in the twentieth century."

Bulgarian scientists who presented reports and participated in the discussion were Prof. Svetlozar Igov (on the typology and periodization of Bulgarian modernism), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tsvetanka Atanasova (on the issue "The Critical Heritage of Bulgarian Modernism”. V. 1-4 ), Chief Assist. Dr. Ivan Hristov – on the literary ideas of the “Strelec” circle. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elka Dimitrova presented the digital project "Bulgarian Literary Modernism " and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander Yordanov – the critical ideas and interpretations of European and native in Bulgarian modernism.

Macedonian workshop participants presented different aspects of the development of modern Macedonian literature searches from the mid 50s to mid 60s of the last century. Reports on new developments in poetry, prose and criticism, as well as the reception of modern western European authors were presented by Acad. Milan Gurchinov, Dr. Elizabeth Shoileva, Dr. Lydia Kapushevska - Drakulevska and Dr. Anastasia Gurchinova.

A range of issues and ideas that would become basic for the future International Conference, planned within the project for the end of this year were discussed at the workshop.

Project program includes the organization of a conference, called "Modernism as a European value in Bulgarian and Macedonian Literature. Similarities and Differences". It will be held at the end of October in Varna and will be opened to Bulgarian and Macedonian scientists, as well as to participants from other countries.

The project aims to explore those areas in literature, showing that this European region fits completely in the European value system. The project will implement research on the reception of European literary currents and trends, as well as issues related to the reception of styles, themes and ideas in the context of avant-garde modernism, "native art" realism movement and others. The aim is to proof that literary artists from this region belong to the phenomena and processes in the European literature of the twentieth century.