Assoc. Prof. Elka Traykova, PhD

Elka Traykova is the Director of the Institute for Literature and the head of the Department of New and Contemporary Bulgarian Literature. Her research interests are in the fields of philology and the history of new and contemporary Bulgarian literature.
Prof. Ana Stoykova, D.Sc.

Ana Stoykova's research interests are in the fields of: Old Bulgarian literature, Cyril and Methodius studies, hagiography and hagiology, manuscripts, computer processing of manuscripts.
Prof. Alexander Panov, D.Sc.

Alexander Panov is the head of the Department of Literary Theory and chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Literature. His research interests include literary theory, historical poetics, literary anthropology, genre theory, and the poetics of Bulgarian literature.
Selected Publications:
Assoc. Prof. Penka Vatova, PhD

Penka Vatova is a member of the Department of New and Contemporary Bulgarian Literature. Her research interests are in the history of Bulgarian literature after the Liberation. She has been a long-term researcher of the Bulgarian literary periodical press, of the problems of the Bulgarian travelogue and of the contemporary Bulgarian poetry, of the cultural identity of the Bulgarian diaspora.